Complete Guide to UAE Public Holidays in 2025

Picture of Author: Amanda West

Author: Amanda West

The Complete Guide to UAE Public Holidays in 2025 provides essential information about the country’s official holidays for the year. This guide covers key dates for both public and cultural events observed across the UAE. Stay informed about the upcoming holidays to plan your vacations and celebrations accordingly.

In 2025, the UAE is set to have at least 12 public holidays, with the potential for an extra day off if Ramadan lasts 30 days, as in 2024. The early announcement of these holidays was made in the UAE’s official gazette, following a review of federal laws, and a new resolution (UAE Cabinet Resolution No.27 of 2024) was introduced regarding the announcement of public holidays. This resolution includes provisions that, if a holiday falls on a weekend, it may be moved to the beginning or end of the week by a Cabinet decision, though this doesn’t apply to Eid Al Fitr or Eid Al Adha.

Predicted UAE Public Holidays:

January 1: New Year’s Day
March 30 to April 3: Eid Al Fitr
June 5-8: Eid Al Adha
June 26: Islamic New Year
September 5: Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Birthday
December 1: Commemoration Day
December 2-3: UAE National Day